何謂綠色大學 What is a Green University?

oo「綠色大學」(Green University),起初的發展緣由係因為大學在運作時所使用的電、水、油等資源相關可觀,為減低大學對環境所造成的不良影響而發起的環境保護行動,而後逐漸將「永續發展」與「環境保護」的觀念融入於大學的教育中,以充分發揮大學的教育功能,提升所有人員的環保意識。在國際間,「綠色大學」一詞的共通意義即是以「永續發展」的概念作為各類活動的發展願景,以代表高等教育引領人類社會發展應負的重要責任。

The concept of a “Green University” emerged to address the significant resource consumption in university operations, initiating environmental protection actions. It integrates “sustainable development” and “environmental protection” into education to enhance awareness and signifies higher education’s crucial role in leading societal development responsibly.

綠色大學的發展歷史The Development History of Green Universities

OO1972年的斯德哥爾摩宣言(The Stockholm Declaration)應係綠色大學發展的濫觴,因該宣言係第一個提出高等教育永續性的宣言,該宣言提出了二十四項指導原則,以使環境達到所謂的永續性的意義,其中第十九項指導原則中則提到了從中學、小學教育到成人階段教育,均需要接受環境教育。之後,第比利斯宣言(The Tbilisi Declaration)延續斯德哥爾摩宣言的理念,提到了環境教育的需求、環境教育的主要特徵,並對於大學教育、特殊訓練、國際與區域合作、資訊的接受、研究與實驗、人員訓練、大眾的訓練與教育、科技與職業教育及教育的計畫提供國際行動策略的指導原則,同時並希望一般大學在工作方針中能夠思考將環境與永續性的議題融入(葉欣誠等,民92) 。
OO塔樂禮宣言則是於1990年,在位於法國塔樂禮之杜夫特大學(Tuft University)舉行的「大學在環境管理與永續發展的角色」(The Role of Universities in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development)國際研討會中,由一群歐美大學校長與主要領導人共同發起簽署的宣言,該研討會中廣泛地探討全球環境問題、管理與永續發展問題,以及大學應扮演的角色為何?並敘明了高等院校對於環境保護與永續發展的關鍵性角色及其迫切需要性,即是因為大學無論在過去、現今與未來均扮演著環境保護與追求永續環境的重要角色,宣言聲明了「大學的領導者必須提供領導地位,並支持、動員國內及國外資源,如此才能使大學能夠應付突來的挑戰」。
OO此宣言喚起了美國與全球各地對於高等教育永續發展的重視,宣言裡之「十大行動計畫」(10-point action plan)包含了教學、研究、營運、拓廣與服務等行動建議,並針對個別機構或組織形塑相關內容,至2014年止,全世界已有超過472所大學連署,範圍擴及全世界各洲各國,在亞洲則有中國大陸、印度、日本、韓國、香港、馬來西亞、菲律賓、泰國、越南等國。國立高雄大學於2004年6月簽署,成為我國第一個簽署塔樂禮宣言的學校(葉欣誠等,民94)。

The term “Green University” is a unique area within the global sustainable development movement, closely related to the sustainability of nations and the world. The United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development (WECD) defines sustainable development as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Therefore, campus sustainability can be defined as meeting the current educational needs of students and society without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their educational needs (National Taiwan University, 2008).
The origins of Green University development can be traced back to the Stockholm Declaration in 1972, the first declaration to propose the sustainability of higher education. It laid out 24 guiding principles to achieve environmental sustainability, emphasizing the need for environmental education from primary school to adulthood. The Tbilisi Declaration followed, highlighting the requirements and main features of environmental education. The Talloires Declaration, initiated in 1990, underscored the crucial role of universities in environmental management and sustainable development, emphasizing their responsibility in integrating environmental and sustainability issues into their policies (Yeh et al., 2003).
The Talloires Declaration gained global recognition, leading to over 472 universities worldwide signing it by 2014. National Kaohsiung University became the first Taiwanese institution to sign the Talloires Declaration in June 2004 (Yeh et al., 2005).