成果報告 Our Achievements 基礎設施(SI)------------------------ 1.校地與保水面積統計Campus area and water absorption area 2.永續發展預算統計University budget for sustainability efforts 3.無障礙設施 Barrier-free Facility 能源與氣候變遷(EC)------------------------ 1.用電統計 Electricity Usage per Year (in Kw-hr) 2.綠能 Green energy 3.智慧建築 Smart building 4.再生能源 Renewable Energy 廢棄物處理(WS)--------------- 1.廢棄物管理 Waste Management-Waste Disposal & Recycling 2.減塑政策 Policy to Reduce the Use of Plastic on Campus 3.廢污水處理Sewerage Disposal 4.飲水機管理 Water Dispenser Management 水資源(WR)--------------- 1.用水統計Water consumption 2.節水措施 Water Conservation Program 3.水回收計劃實施 Water Recycling Program Implementation 交通運輸(TR)----------------- 1.校園車輛統計Number of vehicles entering the university 2.綠色通勤 Sustainable Commuting 3.交通管理 Pedestrian path policy on campus 教育(ED)----------------- 1.永續相關學術著作Scholarly publications on sustainability 2.永續相關學生社團Student organizations related to sustainability