
The General Affairs Office at Tzu Chi University plays a pivotal role in the school’s administrative framework, comprised of the Dean of General Affairs and a professional team. The office is responsible for coordinating the daily operations of the university, including water and electricity facilities, building maintenance, campus beautification, hygiene and cleanliness, security monitoring, vehicle management, document processing, and procurement. Ensuring the orderly functioning of various school affairs, the General Affairs Office provides a support system for academic research and teaching activities.

工作成果分享 Sharing Work Achievements

校園植物生態碳收支盤查與政策建議(Campus Plant Ecology Carbon Balance Assessment and Policy Recommendations)
2023永續工作坊移師慈大 聯盟學校相互觀摩學習 (2023 Sustainable Workshop relocates to Tzu Chi University for mutual observation and learning among alliance schools.)
自然生態村的環保永續生活及教育傳承綠色講座(Green Lecture on Sustainable Living and Environmental Education in Natural Eco-Villages.)
慈濟大學推動校園植物生態碳收支盤查(Tzu Chi University Initiates Campus Plant Ecology Carbon Inventory.)

服務資訊 Service Information

場地借用(Meeting Room Leasing )
校園配置(TCU Map)
資源回收及垃圾處理(Resource Recycling and Waste Disposal)

綠色大學Green University

節約能源執行情況(Energy Conservation Implementation Status)
會議記錄(Meeting Minutes)
成果報告(Achievement Report)
獲獎紀錄(Award Records)