【出納組 Cashier Section】

組長/team leader:楊曼菁1324  分機/extension:1323

1 .出納櫃台各項收款服務。
3 .學校付款支票彚開及銀行轉、匯款業務處理。
4 .學校關防收據開立。
5 .學雜費繳費單彚整業務處理。
6 .辦理學生註冊、休(退)學、畢業離校程序之財務結清業務。

1.Provide various payment services at the cash counter.
2.Manage prepaid services for dining in the cafeteria.
3.Handle the issuance of school payment checks and bank transfers.
4.Issue receipts for security deposits received by the school.
5.Manage the consolidation of tuition payment invoices.
6.Handle financial settlement procedures for student registration, leave (withdrawal), and graduation.
7.Custody of valuable securities and securities for vendor guarantee purposes.
8.Process transactions related to changes in the school’s financial institution accounts.